There are times in our lives when we know we have to make a change, whether we want to or not. Just the thought of it raises our anxiety levels and our thoughts loop through all the possible scenarios we might face. It’s not unusual for us to focus on all the possible negative outcomes, because that is what …
The Open Door
Sometimes opportunities for change present themselves as an open door. It stands there wide and open with the possibility of something new, something fresh, and perhaps something adventurous. One night, about ten years ago after a crazy day of parenting, I collapsed exhausted onto my bed. As I prayed, I heard Jesus whisper, “Your husband is going to be offered …
Something Old
I don’t want things to change … I like them the way they are. Words straight from one of my kiddo’s mouths, or was it mine? This hits close to home because very soon our beloved world-changer number one will graduate high school and move to college. Our eldest daughter is embracing the something new and that makes me happy …
Something New
There are moments in our lives when we crave the start of a new season. Often it’s marked by something significant in our lives. Perhaps a birthday, the start of a new year, or even a new week. Or, maybe we are looking for something new because of a recent experience we’ve had. For example, a relationship breakdown, money worries, …