“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NIV
If you’re more of a bullet point person, head to the * below. (I take no offense.)
Want a bit more? Then here we go:
The Beginning
I can’t remember the first novel I read under a gray British sky, but story has always been my closest friend. What about you? Since you’re reading about a writer, my guess is you’re giving a resounding, “Yes!”
I spent my childhood immersed in Enid Blyton’s Famous Five stories. Francine Pascal’s Sweet Valley High was my guide through my early teen years until Mr. Darcy found a way into my college-aged heart.
My other great love? People. Which led me to nursing school which led to working in Intensive Care and Occupational Health. (I’m especially drawn to those who struggle with mental health issues.)
The Plot Twist
California here we come! In 2011 our young family relocated from South-East England to the Bay Area of the Golden State. Soon after our third daughter was born. New country, new school system, new medical care organization … life was wonderful and crazy and challenging.
Three years after we arrived a story idea arrived as well. One I couldn’t get out of my head. So I started jotting it down on paper. (Well, laptop, but you get it.) My husband and three world-changers (our daughters) championed this newfound passion and I dove in full force.
The Emotional Journey
Westly (The Princess Bride) was right: “Life is pain, highness. Anyone telling you differently is selling something.” To some degree, this is true. But in the midst of our trials there is also the chance for great joy, reconciliation, and redemption. That’s what I want readers to learn in my stories. I want to introduce the Person who longs to draw them out of their difficult moments into a way of living they didn’t think possible. More than anything, I want to help people find and follow Jesus through story.
The End (Or rather the beginning)
I’m polishing up my debut novel and playing with ideas for my second. Sign up for my newsletter here if you’d like to get updates.
*The I-Don’t-Have-Time-To-Read-This Bio otherwise known as Give-Me-The-Quick-Facts
- Grew Up: Romford, Essex, South East England (thirty minutes outside of London for my US readers)
- College: University of Surrey, England.
- BSc(Hons) in Nursing Studies, RN,
- MSc Occupational Health, Specialist Community Public Health Nurse
- Paperback or eBook? Ebook
- Morning or Night? Morning
- Summer or Winter? Summer
- Country of City? Country
- Mountain or Ocean? Mountain
- Broccoli or Peas? Broccoli … never peas––evil things
- Pancakes or waffles? Both
- Tacos or Wings? TACOS
- Coffee or Tea? Both
- What’s one thing you do really well? I make the most fantabulous English Scones … Afternoon Tea, anyone?